School Greening

REAO > Projects > School Greening

School Greening

Planting Trees and Lawn (purchasing seeds and lawn, and planting them in schools

When approaching the analysis with an open mind, it becomes clear: greening schools might be the most cost-effective path toward improving school performance. In fact, it might be the only educational achievement enhancing path that is also “profitable” (due to energy and operational cost benefits) even without considering the secondary (job creation, student/teacher health) and tertiary (pollution levels, capacity building for energy efficiency and other “green” across the country) benefits.

Each aspect relates to a Green School goal:

  1. Ecological Literacy (greening curriculum and professional development) 
    Every student and every teacher will develop a comprehensive understanding of the basic patterns and processes by which Nature sustains life, and how these ecological concepts relate to sustainable human communities.
  2. Learning It by Living It (greening facilities and operations) 
    The school will green its facilities and adopt and demonstrate environmental principles such as the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), renewable energy, energy efficiency and resource conservation. This will allow for an experiential “place as pedagogy” teaching approach, and will enhance the environmental awareness of students and staff who see their school utilizing green practices on a day-to-day basis.
  3. Environmental Ethic (greening organizational behaviour and attitudes)
    All members of the school community will develop a personal and collective code of responsibility to Nature, the Earth, and future generations that entails constraints on individual conduct and institutional policies, and apply this environmental ethic along with sustainable development principles when making decisions that affect the school.

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